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Whether this is the first time you have faced the decision on how you are going to parent your children following a dissolution, divorce, or a relationship break-up or you need to modify an existing order because let's face it as time passes, life can shift, children get older, and circumstances change. 


The Law Office of Stacy E. Dame, LLC has experience and has helped numerous parents in developing plans that are suited to their needs while also planning for the future needs of the family in order to avoid a return to legal proceedings.


In the State of Ohio, there are generally two different types of legal custody arrangements between parents:


Sole Custody- This means that one parent has legal decision making authority regarding a child and has the ability to make choices regarding a child's education, medical care, extracurricular activities, and religion.


Joint Custody/Shared Parenting- This means that both parents have the legal right to make decisions regarding a child and both parties work together to reach agreements regarding the child's education, medical care, extracurricular activities, and religion in the best interests of the child.  


In both types of custody arrangements, the parenting time schedule can be whatever the parties agree upon or whatever the court determines and orders is in the best interests of the child(ren).  There are a number of parenting time arrangements that are used depending on the work schedules of the parties, the needs of the child(ren),and the ability of a parent to parent. 


The Law Office of Stacy E. Dame, LLC is dedicated to listening to your concerns, to understanding your circumstances, and to guide you in negotiating a parenting plan that will work for you and your child not only now, but also into the future.




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